Type of Insurance Requested
Every year when it comes time to renew insurance I think of the old adage made famous by Benjamin Franklin, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Paying insurance premiums can certainly be added to that list.
Although paying insurance premium is a necessary cost of business, the amount of premium you pay is by no means certain. In this and following articles, we will explore ways to keep insurance cost manageable while maintaining the critical coverage needed to protect the business.
Risk Management: Maintaining a clean and safe work environment can be one of the most effective ways in the long run of keeping insurance cost at a minimum. Underwriters give a great deal of weight to proactive risk management techniques such as written safety controls and procedures.
Regularly scheduled safety training and continued employee education are also key components to a good risk management plan. Weekly safety meetings are an efficient way to inform employees of your strategy and expectation for a clean and safe environment for your employees and customers.
In the end, your loss history can be the difference between affordable coverage and premiums that seem to go through the roof. Longevity in business combined with a good record goes a long way in getting the best price.
Shop your coverage: While maintaining loyalty to your agent is important, it may be beneficial to compare coverage from time to time with other companies. New carriers have come into the market in the past twelve months that offer comprehensive coverage at very competitive rates. If your agent has access to other markets ask them to shop for you. If not, seek quotes from another agent or ask others in the industry if they have someone who is doing a good job for them. It never hurts to ask!
Contact one of our agents at the Sheaner Insurance agency for a quote or to help with your risk management plan.
Sheaner Insurance Agency October 2nd, 2015
Posted In: Insurance Tips